How to keep up a clean house

*above image for illustration purposes only

We need to clean up our place by ourselves if we live alone. But in a shared house, residents usually do clean up by themselves or ask cleaning service. For their own space, they have to clean up their room by themselves, but there are 3 different types of style for shared space.

・Residents take turns cleaning up
・Management Company clean up
・Ask professional cleaning service

Is there any differences between them?? I am going to explain each advantages and disadvantages.


Residents do clean shared space in turn. We usually decide who will work on which date or who will work which week like this. Regularly, we are divided into a group and each group will clean up particular room or space.


Cleaning up room while enjoy talking
Less opportunities to clean up if you live in big-scale house


Quality is going to be different by people
Some lazy people tends not to clean up properly
Other clean-loving people blame it


Management Company or landlord who live together with residents clean up whole shared spaces.

Less responsibility for cleaning (residents)
Quality is kept same level
Less possibility to occur problem about cleaning

Live with people who watch on residents (residents need to care about using stuff and room cleanly)
Some clean-lover people might not be satisfied with their work
Cleaner might not spend time enough to do their work (this is because, they have other job in many cases)


Management Company ask professional cleaning service and they do it. It is different by house that how often they clean up shared space. In the least, they work only 1 day per a week, on the other hands, they work 5 days per a week in some houses.

Saving time for cleaning by letting a burden of cleaning reduce
Ensure quality of cleaning
Can ask them what you need

Rent might be expensive to hire cleaning staff
Need to wait for next clean up if it’s dirty

How did you like it?? There are advantages and disadvantages in every choice. But the most important thing is everyone who live in a shared house tries to keep the house clean.

A burden of cleaning is going to reduce if each person can keep their place clean, and then, you can clean up other place by using saved time, which makes your house cleaner.

For living in shared house, saving time and decreasing burden are good aspects, but not leave all the task to somebody, it is necessary to make an effort to keep the house clean for everyone, then all of residents can make comfortable shared life together.