ARDEN Kitasenjyu
ARDEN Kitasenjyu ARDEN Kitasenjyu ARDEN Kitasenjyu ARDEN Kitasenjyu ARDEN Kitasenjyu ARDEN Kitasenjyu ARDEN Kitasenjyu
Not Available   Men, Women
57,000 ~ 61,000 yen
Utility cost: 13,000 yen
Initial cost: 40,000 yen
Number of rooms: 8 rooms

Several Line "Kitasenjyu"station   8 minutes walk

Let’s start English life!


Our concept is “English”. There is an English event with foreigners every Sundays. The AEC system we provide is to improve your English skill through you live in this shared house. You can acquire English naturally through many events such as a cooking event, a party and a sightseeing event with a foreigner.