Kameido Machiya
Kameido Machiya
Not Available   Women only
0 yen
Utility cost: 11,000 yen
Initial cost: 30,000 yen
Number of rooms: 10 rooms

Each Line "Kameido"station   10minutes walk

Share house to be connected to the person


A mall full of the human empathy of relaxing spreads out between "Kameido Machiya" and "Kameido" station on the JR Sobu Line. Furthermore, there are two supermarkets in the place within 1-minute walk from an article and the station building have Atrai, too. Anyway, it is convenient for the one living of the woman. Even the transportation is very convenient, It is direct from "Kameido"station to "Shinjuku" station. Please refer for the one with the interest willingly.